Diversity and Inclusion | Tolko Industries

Diversity and Inclusion: What Makes Tolko Truly Great

There are thousands of people working at Tolko with thousands of different life stories – this variety is what makes our workforce unique and valued. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is a natural extension of the family values on which Tolko is founded. It's our aim to create a workplace where all employees feel welcomed and valued as a member of the Tolko family.

As a leader in forest products, we have a responsibility for diversity and inclusion, not only to our company but also to our industry. That’s why we've made it a part of our business strategy. And though we're making progress, we recognize there is always further to go and more milestones to achieve.

Indigenous Cultural Awareness eLearning

Progressive Aboriginal Relations Bronze Level

To facilitate our own, as well as Canada’s, commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous people, Tolko has developed an Indigenous Cultural Awareness eLearning video. It covers the history of Indigenous peoples, their distinct identities, the challenges they have faced, and how we can all work together. You can access the module at any time and complete at your own pace by selecting the section you wish to view using the Course Outline at the top left of the screen. Note: If you have difficulty navigating manually through the eLearning video, please try a different Web browser. 

Women in Forestry

Video courtesy of Forestry Friendly Communities


The gender balance is shifting in BC’s forest industry. According to Sally Aitken, Associate Dean of forestry at the University of British Columbia, the students in the Faculty of Forestry are about 50% female. Hear why women are choosing forestry as a career.

Leading by Example

It's through the continued support and guidance of leaders that our values shape our company. Our executive is dedicated to not only creating a diverse, inclusive environment in our company but taking a leadership role to encourage diversity throughout Canada. In 2017, Tolko’s CEO, Brad Thorlakson, demonstrated our commitment to leadership in gender diversity by signing the Minerva Foundation Pledge.


We’re honoured to be selected as members of the National Steering Committee for Gender Equity in Canada’s Forest Sector – the first of its kind in Canada. Together with others in the forestry sector, we will steer the development of a national action plan to increase gender diversity.

Putting Strategy Into Action

It starts with a pledge, but it can't stop there: a strategy without execution is only a dream. One of the ways we link strategy to action is through our Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee. This working committee includes employees from diverse backgrounds, ages, genders, locations, and levels of responsibility.

Support and Training

We are proud to offer a variety of training programs that provide employees with opportunities to learn how they can contribute to a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Making a True Difference

Together, we will continue to nurture and celebrate diversity. And as our understanding grows, we will create an even stronger workplace culture that continues to have a positive impact in our communities.