Promoting forestry careers


Promoting forestry careers

Tolko Woodlands promotes forestry careers in webinar series for Indigenous youth

Shannon Zemanek, Woodlands Supervisor, Meadow Lake Division is passionate about her work. As a Harvesting Supervisor in Tolko’s Meadow Lake Division, Shannon’s job includes supervising harvesting operations, sourcing wood for the mill, as well as coordinating and supervising silviculture work.

Shannon was one of five guest panelists recently featured on Project Learning Tree Canada’s “Day-in-a-Life” webinar series to promote careers in forestry to high school-aged Indigenous youth. The students are participating in a six-week work experience course led by the Outlander Youth Employment Program (OYEP). OYEP provides students with training and education in a supportive space that replicates a variety of work environments.

The webinar series, which is an initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), was hosted by PLT Canada and offered students a glimpse into what forestry professionals do in a typical day and gave them the opportunity to ask questions. Shannon says that she thoroughly enjoyed being on the panel.

“I value the work I do in the forestry industry and it was great to hear about the work that the other forestry professionals are a part of,” says Shannon. “I’m happy to share my experiences with the students, there were a lot of great questions and discussion.”

Episode 2: Watch Shannon Zemanek’s forestry operations & silviculture “Day-in-a-Life” video here:

Episode 1: Watch Andrew de Vries’ sustainable forestry management “Day-in-a-Life” video here:

For more information on the Outland Youth Employment Program, visit