Tolko's High Level Division Record-breaking 750,000 Hours Zero RIR


Tolko’s High Level Division hits new heights with record-breaking 750,000 hours zero RIR

What do you do when you become the first-ever division at Tolko to hit 750,000 hours zero RIR? If you’re Gary Ross and team, you celebrate by posing for a fantastic team shot and giving three cheers! HIP-HIP-HOORAY!

On January 27, 2019, Tolko’s High Level Division passed another significant safety milestone – reaching 750,000 hours without a single recordable injury!

This achievement comes after an amazing year in 2018, which saw the team reach 250,000 hours zero RIR last May and then surpass 500,000 hours zero RIR in September. Now they have become the very first division at Tolko to reach the remarkable safety milestone of 750,000 hours zero RIR.

Layne Herrin, Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Supervisor, High Level Division believes that this accomplishment speaks to a change in attitudes and culture, resulting in the team’s ability to sustain this streak for 14 months.

He says, “Safety has become the way we do business here in High Level. I applaud our employees for their tireless efforts. Let’s go get 1 million!”

Gary Ross, High Level’s Plant Manager, attributes his team’s success to their ongoing commitment to workplace safety and for setting their sights high.

He says, “Congratulations to my team for reaching this significant safety performance milestone. This division is truly leading by example by building on our reputation for safety excellence and by proving to ourselves and everyone that safety is a value – not just a priority – on our Journey to Zero. I’m so proud of everyone!”

In addition to High Level’s zero RIR milestone, Gary says he’s delighted that the division’s Woodlands department has been RIR free for over four years.

David Gillespie, Area Manager, Operations Services & Alberta Lumber, believes that a 750,000 zero-RIR milestone cannot be achieved without the entire division demonstrating strong safety leadership and fostering a Culture to Care. He says, “Congratulations everyone! Be proud of this significant accomplishment.”

Troy Connolly, VP Solid Wood says, “Congratulations to High Level! What a team! What a result! You are truly paving the way for the company as we embark on our Journey to Zero RIR. Well done!”

Jim Baskerville, VP Strand Based Business (SBB) says, “It gives me great pleasure to see a whole group of people demonstrating that no one should get hurt while working at Tolko; now well over a year without a single recordable incident. Well done High Level!”

Above photo: Tolko’s High Level team celebrates achieving 750,000 zero RIR!