Properly spacing wood panels by 1/8″ provides a space for the natural expansion of wood panels while they adjust to the environment.
If panels are tightly butted together, there is no room for the expansion of wood products and buckling occurs. This leads to unnecessary repairs and slows down the project.
We want to help builders avoid this mistake.
APA the Engineered Wood Association recommends 1/8-inch space between panels. By properly spacing the panels, builders leave space for the natural expansion of the panels as the wood adjusts to the environment.
It’s so important, we print it on every single panel.
Learn from the experts
Check out the guides and video below from the APA to learn about proper panel spacing and perfect your installation practices.
APA Builder Tips | Prevent Buckling with Proper Spacing PDF
APA Technical Note | Prevent Buckling in Large Buildings PDF
Proper Panel Spacing
1/8” spacing is recommended at ALL panel edge joints.
Spacing Tip: Use a 10d box nail to gauge 1/8-inch spacing between panels. Spacer-type panel edge clips may also be used for roof sheathing applications.
This panel spacing is an APA and Tolko recommendation. For more information, visit the APA Publication Library.
Contact Us
Contact your Tolko sales representative today to discuss proper OSB and Plywood panel spacing and prevention of buckling.
OSB Sales Team
Phone: 250-549-5311
Plywood Sales Team
Phone: 250-541-7750